Wednesday, November, 06,2024

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79 major mineral blocks to be e-auctioned from tomorrow

Jaipur: The state mines department for the first time will auction 79 major minerals from February 21. Of these, mining lease of 68 blocks of limestone will be auctioned, while 11 blocks of siliceous earth, fluorite, base metal and iron ore will be auctioned for composite licence.

Mines Secretary Anandi said that the e-auction of major mineral blocks will be done on the MSTC portal of the Govt of India so that everyone can participate.The auction of 15 limestone blocks in Nagaur will start from Feb ruary 21 to March 11 and those of 51 limestone blocks of Nagaur and one limestone block each of Chittorgarh and Jaisalmer will start from March 26 to June 13.

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